








佐藤登代子・新田洋司・塩津文隆・浅木直美・井上栄一 2021. 中国上海市で市販されている精米の理化学的・形態学的特性―2015 年産米の事例から―. 日本作物学会紀事 90:52-63

Sakagami N, Shiotsu F, Asagi N, Komatsuzaki M, Nitta Y, Suprapta DN 2019. Carbon degradation of paddy soil under organic and conventional farming in Bali, Indonesia as measured by sequential loss on ignition. Tropical Agriculture and Development 63: 30-33

杉本秀樹・越智由紀恵・浅木直美・諸隈正裕・加藤尚・荒木卓哉 ・シェイク タンヴィ-ル ホセイン 2019. クラゲチップと米ぬかの肥料効果と抑草効果を利用した水稲栽培. 日本作物学会紀事 88: 246-252

浅木直美・窪田俊仁・坂上伸生・岡田拓也・長谷川守文・磯野健雄・新田洋司 2018. スィートソルガム栽培の有無と残渣の施用方法が ウコン根茎の収量とクルクミン濃度におよぼす影響. 農作業研究 53: 149-157

Junko Nishiwaki, Naomi Asagi, Masakazu Komatsuzaki, Masaru Mizoguchi, Kosuke Noborio 2017. Effect of added organic matter on soil fertility after stripping-off Cs-contaminated top soil at Iitate village in Fukushima Prefecture. Paddy and Water Environment 15: 11-18

Naomi Asagi, Keisuke Minamide, Toru Uno, Masanori Saito and Toyoaki Ito 2016. Acidulocompost, a Food Waste Compost with Thermophilic Lactic Acid Fermentation: Its Effects on Potato Production and Weed Growth. Plant Production Science 19: 132-144

Naomi Asagi,Tatsuya Miya,Takashi Homma, Fumitaka Shiotsu, Toshiaki Kokubo, Youji Nitta, Hideto Ueno, Tatsuo Sato, Masakazu Komatsuzaki and Akira Kato 2015. Fate of 15N-labeled Inorganic Fertilizer in an Upland Soil Applied with Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and N Uptake Efficiency by Komatsuna Plants. Plant Production Science 18:535-541

Shiotsu, F., Sakagami, N., Asagi, N., Dewa, S., Nurwulan, A., Nitta, Y. and Komatsuzaki, M. 2015. Initiation and dissemination of organic rice cultivation in Bali, Indonesia. Sustainability 7: 5171-5181

Windi Al Zahra, Takeshi Yasue, Naomi Asagi, Yuji Miyaguchi, Bagus Priyo Purwanto and Masakazu Komatsuzaki 2014. A New Strategy for Utilizing Rice Forage Production Using a No-Tillage System to Enhance the Self-Sufficient Feed Ratio of Small Scale Dairy Farming in Japan. Sustainability           6: 4975-4989

Hossain ST, Sugimoto H, Asagi N, Araki T, Ueno H, Morokuma M and Kato H 2013. Effects of desalinated-dried jellyfish and rice bran for controlling weeds and rice yield. Journal of Organic Systems 8: 28-37

小久保敏明・宮崎彰・吉田徹志・山本由徳・浅木直美・上野秀人・居静・王余龍 2013..中国産多収性水稲品種の吸収窒素利用効率に及ぼす緩効性肥料の施用効果.日本作物学会紀事82:337-377

Ghoneim A.M., H. Ueno, N. Asagi and T. Watanabe 2012. Indirect 15N Isotope techniques for estimating N dynamics and N uptake by rice from poultry manure and sewage sludge. Asian Journal of Earth Science 5: 63-69 

上野秀人・浅木直美 2011. 重窒素トレーサーを用いた間接法による有機質肥料由来窒素の動態解解析. 15N Information17:1-8

浅木直美・上野秀人2009.マメ科緑肥リビングマルチ条件下の水稲栽培における湛水開始時期の違いが水稲の生育、 収量に与える影響.日本作物学会紀事 78:27-34 

Asagi, N. and H. Ueno 2009. Nitrogen dynamics in paddy soil applied with various 15N-labelled green manures., Plant and Soil 322:251-262 

浅木直美、上野秀人2009.西南暖地におけるシロクローバのすき込みおよびリビングマルチ処理が水稲の生育、 収量および土壌アンモニア態窒素濃度に与える影響.農作業研究 44:127-136

Ebid, A., H. Ueno, A. Ghoneim and N. Asagi 2008. Recovery of 15N derived from rice residues and inorganic fertilizers incorporated in soil cultivated with Japanese and Egyptian rice cultivars. Journal of Applied Sciences 8:3261-3266 

Asagi, N., H. Ueno, H. Sekiya and H. Ogiwara 2008. Establishment of rice seedlings by direct sowing of multiple seed pellets on paddy soil covered with legume living mulch. Plant Production Science 11:361-365 

Ebid, A., H. Ueno, A. Ghoneim and N. Asagi 2008. Nitrogen uptake by radish, spinach and “chingensai” from composted tea leaves, coffee waste and kitchen garbage. Compost Science & Utilization 16:152-158

Asagi, N. and H. Ueno 2008. Determination of application effects of sewage sludge on growth, soil properties, and N uptake in komatsuna by using the indirect 15N isotope method. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39:1928-1942 

Ebid, A., H. Ueno, A. Ghoneim and N. Asagi 2008. Uptake of carbon and nitrogen derived from carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 dual-labeled maize residue compost applied to radish, komatsuna, and chingensai for three consecutive croppings. Plant and Soil 304: 241-248 

Ghoneim, A., H. Ueno, A. Ebid, N. Asagi and I. A. E. Darag 2008. Analysis of nitrogen dynamics and fertilizer use efficiency in rice using the nitrogen-15 isotope dilution method following the application of biogas slurry or chemical fertilizer.  International Journal of Soil Science 3:11-19 

Asagi, N., H. Ueno and A. Ebid 2007. Effects of sewage sludge application on rice growth, soil properties, and N fate in low fertile paddy soil. International Journal of Soil Science 2:171-181

Ebid, A., H. Ueno, A. Ghoneim and N. Asagi 2007. Uptake of carbon and nitrogen through rice root from 13C and 15N dual-labeled maize residue compost. International Journal of Biological Chemistry 1:75-83

Ebid, A., H. Ueno, A. Ghoneim and N. Asagi 2007. Effect of maize residue compost application on growth, yield of some vegetables and soil properties. 愛媛大学農学部農場報告29:1-9 

浅木直美・高山光男・阿部武雄・菊地洋一・上林美保子 2005.水稲湛水土壌中直播栽培における種籾の比重および酸素供給剤量の違いが苗立に与える影響.山形大学農学部農場報告17:45-54


浅木直美・上野秀人 2019. 下水汚泥資材施用時の作物吸収における窒素利用率の推定. 再生と利用 43/ 162, 67-71

浅木直美・伊藤豊彰 2019. 酸性・高温条件下の乳酸発酵により製造した生ゴミアシドロコンポストの特徴とその有効利用. 再生と利用 43/ 160, 69-73



